4 Ліпень 2024
2 тыдзень таму
Polish Border Guards: On June 17, 80 attempts to illegally enter Poland were recorded on the border with Belarus. Stones and tree branches were thrown at Polish patrols
3 тыдзень таму
Explosion at the arms plant in Mesko - RMF FM reporter Krzysztof Zasada found out. After the explosion, a fire broke out. Preliminary findings indicate that there are injured people
3 тыдзень таму
Hołownia: Soldiers on the border have the right and should shoot at the bandits attacking them
3 тыдзень таму
On June 6 in the afternoon at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw, surrounded by the support of his family and soldiers, a soldier of the 1st Armored Brigade died. Despite the help provided in the area of the bandit attack on the border with Belarus and the efforts of doctors, his life could not be saved"
1 месяц таму
Tusk: Another very dangerous hacker attack well illustrates Russia's destabilization strategy on the eve of the European elections.
1 месяц таму
PAP identified the source of the false message about mobilization that appeared on its website
1 месяц таму
Due to the probably Russian cyberattack on the Polish Press Agency and disinformation about the alleged mobilization in Poland, the Internal Security Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digitization @CYFRA_GOV_PL, took immediate action
1 месяц таму
Віцэ-прэм'ер Польшчы В. @KosiniakKamysz: на мяжу з Беларуссю накіравалі дадатковыя вайскоўцы @_6BPD_. Таксама было адпраўлена дадатковае абсталяванне. Першую дапамогу салдату аказаў афіцэр @Straz_Graniczna, за што яму вялікі дзякуй. Як паказвае вайна ва Украіне, часцей за ўсё першым аказвае дапамогу сябар па акопе. Хачу падзякаваць за самаадданую службу і воінам, якія тры гады нясуць бяспеку. Пры неабходнасці мы гатовы павялічыць колькасць жаўнераў Войска Польскага на мяжы
1 месяц таму
We will restore the buffer zone approximately 200 meters from the border, where it is necessary for the effective operation of services, said Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Prime Minister @DonaldTusk in Dubicze Cerkiewne: We came here today to say that in every situation, especially as dramatic as the attack on our soldier, the Polish state is on the side of soldiers and Border Guard officers1 месяц таму
Prime Minister @DonaldTusk in Dubicze Cerkiewne: We came here today to say that in every situation, especially as dramatic as the attack on our soldier, the Polish state is on the side of soldiers and Border Guard officers
1 месяц таму
Прэм'ер-міністр Польшчы Дональд Туск аб'яўляе аб забароне на знаходжанне ў прымежных з Беларуссю раёнах
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).1 месяц таму
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.1 месяц таму
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.
1 месяц таму
Я толькі што паведаміў пра польскае рашэньне ў сувязі з удзелам Расеі ў гібрыднай вайне супраць Эўразьвязу і Польшчы. На перамяшчэнне расійскіх дыпламатаў у нашай краіне будуць уведзеныя абмежаванні, заявіў кіраўнік польскай дыпламатыі Радаслаў Сікорскі ў панядзелак на прэс-канферэнцыі ў Бруселі пасля сустрэчы міністраў замежных спраў краін ЕС.
President @AndrzejDuda regarding the attempt to dismiss Poland's representative to NATO: The situation is astonishing. I have signals that there is an attempt to remove our representative to NATO and replace him with another person, which is surprising, especially before the anniversary NATO summit in Washington. This happens without any justification or reference to the ambassador's current activities. There are no allegations from either the Alliance authorities or the Polish authorities. I know that today the candidacy of the next representative to NATO was presented at the Sejm committee. This happened in violation of all rules.1 месяц таму
President @AndrzejDuda regarding the attempt to dismiss Poland's representative to NATO: The situation is astonishing. I have signals that there is an attempt to remove our representative to NATO and replace him with another person, which is surprising, especially before the anniversary NATO summit in Washington. This happens without any justification or reference to the ambassador's current activities. There are no allegations from either the Alliance authorities or the Polish authorities. I know that today the candidacy of the next representative to NATO was presented at the Sejm committee. This happened in violation of all rules.
1 месяц таму
As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
1 месяц таму
Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
1 месяц таму
Russia “likely” behind fire that destroyed Warsaw shopping centre, says Tusk
1 месяц таму
Туск: Арыштаваныя і абвінавачаныя дзевяць чалавек, якія ўдзельнічалі непасрэдна ў дыверсіях у Польшчы ад імя расейскіх службаў
1 месяц таму
Прэзідэнт Украіны Зяленскі правёў тэлефонную размову з прэм'ер-міністрам Польшчы Дональдам Тускам, каб абмеркаваць сітуацыю на Харкаўскай напрамку і бяспеку газавай інфраструктуры на захадзе Украіны.
Fire in the market hall on ul. Marywilska 44 in Warsaw. Do not approach the fire site. If you can, stay at home and close the windows1 месяц таму
Fire in the market hall on ul. Marywilska 44 in Warsaw. Do not approach the fire site. If you can, stay at home and close the windows
1 месяц таму
Bugging devices found in Polish government meeting room
1 месяц таму
A high-level Polish judge asked for political asylum in Belarus, saying he was doing so in “protest against Poland’s unjust & harmful policy” toward Belarus & Russia. In his resignation letter, Tomasz Szmydt said he was giving up his position as a judge.”
1 месяц таму
EU says to drop action against Poland over rule-of-law concerns
2 месяц таму
Poland condemns Russian cyberattacks, says has been targeted too
2 месяц таму
Poland deports those suspected of attacking a Russian dissident to Lithuania
2 месяц таму
Дональд Туск: Сёньня на Львоўшчыну ўпалі дзясяткі бомбаў і ракет. Адзін з іх знаходзіцца за 15 км ад нашай мяжы. У гэты час Маравецкі выбудоўвае агульную антыеўрапейскую стратэгію з прапуцінскімі палітыкамі ультраправых у Будапешце
Poland's development and security must be based on two pillars: transatlantic cooperation and European integration - Minister @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek2 месяц таму
Poland's development and security must be based on two pillars: transatlantic cooperation and European integration - Minister @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek
Poland's raison d'état requires developing its own defense resources - Minister @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek2 месяц таму
Poland's raison d'état requires developing its own defense resources - Minister @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek
South Korea's Hanwha to supply more rocket launchers to Poland for $1.64 bln2 месяц таму
South Korea's Hanwha to supply more rocket launchers to Poland for $1.64 bln