3 Julio 2024
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).1 mes atrás
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.1 mes atrás
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.
Acabo de anunciar la decisión polaca en relación con la participación de Rusia en la guerra híbrida contra la Unión Europea y Polonia. Se impondrán restricciones a la circulación de diplomáticos rusos en nuestro país, afirmó el lunes el jefe de la diplomacia polaca, Radosław Sikorski, en una conferencia de prensa en Bruselas después de una reunión de los ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de los países de la UE.
President @AndrzejDuda regarding the attempt to dismiss Poland's representative to NATO: The situation is astonishing. I have signals that there is an attempt to remove our representative to NATO and replace him with another person, which is surprising, especially before the anniversary NATO summit in Washington. This happens without any justification or reference to the ambassador's current activities. There are no allegations from either the Alliance authorities or the Polish authorities. I know that today the candidacy of the next representative to NATO was presented at the Sejm committee. This happened in violation of all rules.
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As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
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Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
Russia “likely” behind fire that destroyed Warsaw shopping centre, says Tusk
Tusk: Nueve personas que participaron directamente en actos de sabotaje en Polonia por cuenta de los servicios rusos han sido arrestadas y acusadas
1 mes atrás
El presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, mantuvo una conversación telefónica con el primer ministro de Polonia, Donald Tusk, para discutir la situación en el eje de Kharkiv y la seguridad de la infraestructura de gas natural en el oeste de Ucrania.
Fire in the market hall on ul. Marywilska 44 in Warsaw. Do not approach the fire site. If you can, stay at home and close the windows1 mes atrás
Fire in the market hall on ul. Marywilska 44 in Warsaw. Do not approach the fire site. If you can, stay at home and close the windows
Bugging devices found in Polish government meeting room
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A high-level Polish judge asked for political asylum in Belarus, saying he was doing so in “protest against Poland’s unjust & harmful policy” toward Belarus & Russia. In his resignation letter, Tomasz Szmydt said he was giving up his position as a judge.”
EU says to drop action against Poland over rule-of-law concerns
Poland condemns Russian cyberattacks, says has been targeted too
Poland deports those suspected of attacking a Russian dissident to Lithuania
Donald Tusk: Hoy cayeron decenas de bombas y cohetes sobre la región de Lviv. Uno de ellos está a 15 km de nuestra frontera. En este momento Morawiecki está estableciendo una estrategia antieuropea común con los políticos de extrema derecha pro Putin en Budapest.
Poland's development and security must be based on two pillars: transatlantic cooperation and European integration - Minister @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek
Poland's raison d'état requires developing its own defense resources - Minister @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek
South Korea's Hanwha to supply more rocket launchers to Poland for $1.64 bln
So far, over 46,000 flights have encountered jamming of GPS signals in the Baltic region, including 2,309 Ryanair flights, 1,368 Wizz Air flights, and 82 British Airways flights2 mes atrás
So far, over 46,000 flights have encountered jamming of GPS signals in the Baltic region, including 2,309 Ryanair flights, 1,368 Wizz Air flights, and 82 British Airways flights
@RishiSunak anunciará el mayor paquete de ayuda militar a Ucrania en su visita a Polonia: un aumento de 500 millones de libras esterlinas para Ucrania, 400 vehículos, 1.600 municiones y 4 millones de municiones.2 mes atrás
@RishiSunak anunciará el mayor paquete de ayuda militar a Ucrania en su visita a Polonia: un aumento de 500 millones de libras esterlinas para Ucrania, 400 vehículos, 1.600 municiones y 4 millones de municiones.
Poland President says his country is ready to deploy nuclear weapons in its territory
El movimiento de camiones en los puestos de control en la frontera entre Ucrania y Polonia se suspendió debido a un fallo en el sistema del servicio de aduanas polaco, informó el Servicio Estatal de Fronteras de Ucrania. El paso de automóviles se restablecerá aproximadamente a las 8:00 horas del día 22 de abril.
2 mes atrás
Manifestantes polacos renovaron el bloqueo de los cruces fronterizos con Ucrania
2 mes atrás
Polish Border Guard: Patrols repelled an attempt by over 220 people to illegally cross the border. The migrants were aggressive - they threw tree branches and stones. Dangerous tools were confiscated from foreigners. the immigrants retreated deeper into Belarus
Exit poll results for city mayoral elections - local elections in Polands
Exit poll results for local elections 2024 in Poland
Poland's Foreign Ministry: The Israeli ambassador apologized after the killing of a Polish aid worker in Gaza
Poland's Foreign Ministry: We submitted a protest note to the Israeli ambassador over the killing of a Polish aid worker in Gaza
Poland’s PM Tusk: Mr PM Netanyahu, Ambassador Livne, the vast majority of Poles has shown full solidarity with Israel after the Hamas attack. Today, you are putting this solidarity to a really tough test. The tragic attack on volunteers and your reaction understandably provoke anger