6 October 2024
Il ministro della Difesa ucraino Umerov chiede agli ucraini che si trovano attualmente in Europa di unirsi all'unità della "legione ucraina", che sarà addestrata in Polonia
La Polonia è pronta a trasferire l'elettricità dalle sue centrali termoelettriche a carbone all'Ucraina - Tusk
Il presidente @AndrzejDuda, prima di partire per il vertice NATO, ha incontrato nel Palazzo Belvedere il presidente dell'Ucraina @ZelenskyyUa
È in fase di sviluppo per la Polonia un meccanismo per abbattere i missili e gli UAV russi nello spazio aereo dell'Ucraina, lanciati in direzione della Polonia, - ha detto Zelenskyj dopo aver firmato l'accordo di sicurezza tra Polonia e Ucraina
A Kyiv è arrivato il capo di stato maggiore delle forze armate polacche3 month ago
A Kyiv è arrivato il capo di stato maggiore delle forze armate polacche
3 month ago
A man injured a policeman in the head when he intervened in an apartment in Bolesławiec. Then the perpetrator shot himself. The policeman was taken to hospital - services are on site, the police said
Parliament of Poland voted to strip immunity of official involved in purchasing Pegasus. Charges include diverting funds intended for *victims of crime, crime prevention & rehab* to pay for the mercenary spyware
President @AndrzejDuda during a meeting with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping: I believe that our activities under the presidency of the EU will be able to contribute to building our mutual relations. I hope that the President will accept our invitation to Poland
3 month ago
With reference to the announcement regarding a balloon moving in Polish airspace, we would like to inform you that the object crossed the Polish border at approximately 15.30 north of Kętrzyn and will leave our space around 8 p.m. Preliminary assessments indicate that the Russian side has lost control over one of the aerostats protecting facilities in the Königsberg Oblast. The facility is continuously monitored by the reconnaissance systems of the Polish Armed Forces and does not pose a threat to national security. Due to the possible negative effects associated with an attempt to destroy it in Polish airspace, the Operational Commander made a conscious decision not to use weapons against the object.
3 month ago
A MiG-29 fighter damaged the roofs of several buildings near the village of Szaleniec in the Malbork district. @DGeneralneRSZ announced that the army would cover the costs of repairs
3 month ago
Polish Border Guards: On June 17, 80 attempts to illegally enter Poland were recorded on the border with Belarus. Stones and tree branches were thrown at Polish patrols
Explosion at the arms plant in Mesko - RMF FM reporter Krzysztof Zasada found out. After the explosion, a fire broke out. Preliminary findings indicate that there are injured people
Hołownia: Soldiers on the border have the right and should shoot at the bandits attacking them
On June 6 in the afternoon at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw, surrounded by the support of his family and soldiers, a soldier of the 1st Armored Brigade died. Despite the help provided in the area of the bandit attack on the border with Belarus and the efforts of doctors, his life could not be saved"
Tusk: Another very dangerous hacker attack well illustrates Russia's destabilization strategy on the eve of the European elections.
PAP identified the source of the false message about mobilization that appeared on its website
Due to the probably Russian cyberattack on the Polish Press Agency and disinformation about the alleged mobilization in Poland, the Internal Security Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digitization @CYFRA_GOV_PL, took immediate action
Il vice primo ministro polacco W. @KosiniakKamysz: altri soldati @_6BPD_ sono stati inviati al confine con la Bielorussia. È stata inviata anche attrezzatura aggiuntiva. Il primo soccorso al soldato è stato fornito dall'ufficiale @Straz_Graniczna, per il quale vorrei ringraziarlo. Come dimostra la guerra in Ucraina, spesso è l'amico in trincea il primo a prestare aiuto. Vorrei anche ringraziare i soldati che da tre anni vigilano sulla sicurezza per il loro servizio dedicato. Se necessario, siamo pronti ad aumentare il numero dei soldati dell'esercito polacco al confine
4 month ago
We will restore the buffer zone approximately 200 meters from the border, where it is necessary for the effective operation of services, said Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Prime Minister @DonaldTusk in Dubicze Cerkiewne: We came here today to say that in every situation, especially as dramatic as the attack on our soldier, the Polish state is on the side of soldiers and Border Guard officers
Il premier polacco Donald Tusk annuncia il divieto di soggiorno nelle zone vicine al confine con la Bielorussia
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).4 month ago
Today, around 4:30 a.m., a Polish Army soldier was injured after being stabbed by a foreigner trying to break through the barrier at the border during an attack by a group of approximately 50 people. A few hours earlier, a guard was hit by a broken bottle, another was injured with an improvised spear (a stick with a knife).
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.4 month ago
A soldier was injured today after being stabbed by a migrant trying to cross the barrier on the border with Belarus. Earlier, Border Guard officers were injured. One of them was hit with a broken bottle, another was injured after being attacked with a tool to which a knife was attached.
Ho appena annunciato la decisione polacca in relazione alla partecipazione della Russia alla guerra ibrida contro l'Unione Europea e la Polonia. Saranno introdotte restrizioni alla circolazione dei diplomatici russi nel nostro Paese, ha dichiarato lunedì il capo della diplomazia polacca Radosław Sikorski in una conferenza stampa a Bruxelles dopo l'incontro dei ministri degli Esteri dei paesi dell'UE.
President @AndrzejDuda regarding the attempt to dismiss Poland's representative to NATO: The situation is astonishing. I have signals that there is an attempt to remove our representative to NATO and replace him with another person, which is surprising, especially before the anniversary NATO summit in Washington. This happens without any justification or reference to the ambassador's current activities. There are no allegations from either the Alliance authorities or the Polish authorities. I know that today the candidacy of the next representative to NATO was presented at the Sejm committee. This happened in violation of all rules.
4 month ago
As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
4 month ago
Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
Russia “likely” behind fire that destroyed Warsaw shopping centre, says Tusk
Tusk: Nove persone coinvolte direttamente in atti di sabotaggio in Polonia per conto dei servizi russi sono state arrestate e accusate
4 month ago
Il presidente dell'Ucraina Zelenskyy ha avuto una telefonata con il primo ministro polacco Donald Tusk per discutere della situazione sull'asse di Kharkiv e della sicurezza delle infrastrutture del gas naturale nell'Ucraina occidentale