23 Novembris 2024
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President @AndrzejDuda in his speech: After a calm analysis and consultations, I decided to entrust the mission of forming a government to Prime Minister @MorawieckiM. Therefore, I decided to continue the good parliamentary tradition, according to which the winning party is the first to be given the opportunity to form a government. As I announced during the election campaign and as it has always been the case since the adoption of the current Constitution of the Republic of Poland
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Polijas pārvadātāji bloķēja kravas automašīnu kustību trīs kontrolpunktos uz robežas ar Ukrainu
Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak announced on Friday the creation of the 8th Mechanized Division with headquarters in Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą
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Polish Border Guard: On November 1, 86 people tried to cross the border from Belarus illegally. citizens of Iran, Somalia, including 18 people At the sight of the patrols, 18 people turned back to PSG Białowieża after crossed the river illegally. At PSG Dubicze Cerkiewne patrols were thrown with stones
Ukraina ierosināja tikšanos ar Poliju un Eiropas Komisiju par robežas slēgšanas draudiem. Par to ziņots Ukrainas Kopienas attīstības, teritoriju un infrastruktūras ministrijas preses dienestā.1 gads atpakaļ
Ukraina ierosināja tikšanos ar Poliju un Eiropas Komisiju par robežas slēgšanas draudiem. Par to ziņots Ukrainas Kopienas attīstības, teritoriju un infrastruktūras ministrijas preses dienestā.
Baidens runā par to, kā Putins neapstāsies ar Ukrainu. Baidens sola aizstāvēt "katru NATO centimetru" un "necenšas panākt, lai ASV karaspēks cīnītos Krievijā"
Poland final election results:  PiS 35,4% 198 seats; KO 30,7%   151; Third Way 14,4% 65; Left 8,6%  28; Confederation 7,2%   17; KO Third Way Left = 244 seats absolute majority1 gads atpakaļ
Poland final election results: PiS 35,4% 198 seats; KO 30,7% 151; Third Way 14,4% 65; Left 8,6% 28; Confederation 7,2% 17; KO Third Way Left = 244 seats absolute majority
Poland, national parliament election results (39.29% counted): PiS-ECR: 39%; KO-EPP RE G/EFA: 27%; TD PL2050/PSL-RE EPP: 14%; NL-S&D: 8%; Kon~NI: 7%; BS- 2%; PJJ- 2%  Wybory20231 gads atpakaļ
Poland, national parliament election results (39.29% counted): PiS-ECR: 39%; KO-EPP RE G/EFA: 27%; TD PL2050/PSL-RE EPP: 14%; NL-S&D: 8%; Kon~NI: 7%; BS- 2%; PJJ- 2% Wybory2023
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Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk said that three opposition parties had enough votes to win the general election on Sunday after an exit poll said they had enough votes to oust the governing conservative nationalist Law and Justice party
Major police deployment in central Warsaw with reports that this man is claiming he has a bomb. Reasons unclear. Streets around are all blocked off1 gads atpakaļ
Major police deployment in central Warsaw with reports that this man is claiming he has a bomb. Reasons unclear. Streets around are all blocked off
Market square in Sandomierz - a rally with the participation of @pisorgpl leaders, one of the last accents of the campaign. Election silence in just over 5 hours1 gads atpakaļ
Market square in Sandomierz - a rally with the participation of @pisorgpl leaders, one of the last accents of the campaign. Election silence in just over 5 hours
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Minister of National Defense of Poland: The Polish Army is preparing to evacuate Poles from Israel. We will send C-130 Hercules transport planes for our compatriots
F-16 izvietoti Polijā, lai nostiprinātu NATO austrumu flangu
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Čehija un Polija ievieš pārbaudes uz robežas ar Slovākiju
Kiberkomandieru forumā piedalās par kiberdrošību atbildīgie komandieri no 35 valstīm, kas atrodas visos kontinentos – tostarp NATO valstis no Eiropas un Ziemeļamerikas, kā arī sabiedrotajām un partnervalstīm no citiem reģioniem – tostarp Ukrainas, kā arī Austrālijas, Brazīlijas, Japānas. vai Singapūra
18th Motorized Brigade based in Poniatowa - we are starting the formation of the fourth brigade @Zelazna_Dywizja -Today, Minister @mblaszczak signed a decision regarding the creation of another unit within @Zelazna_Dywizja, i.e. the 18th Motorized Brigade. As the head of the Ministry of National Defense emphasized, it will be a brigade located in five towns in the Lublin Voivodeship and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The new military unit will complement the Iron Division's high mobility capabilities1 gads atpakaļ
18th Motorized Brigade based in Poniatowa - we are starting the formation of the fourth brigade @Zelazna_Dywizja -Today, Minister @mblaszczak signed a decision regarding the creation of another unit within @Zelazna_Dywizja, i.e. the 18th Motorized Brigade. As the head of the Ministry of National Defense emphasized, it will be a brigade located in five towns in the Lublin Voivodeship and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The new military unit will complement the Iron Division's high mobility capabilities
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AFP: Polija un Ukraina panāca vienošanos par neatrisinātajiem Ukrainas graudu transportēšanas jautājumiem
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Minister @mblaszczak: I am criticized by the opposition for acquiring too much military equipment for the Polish Army. But I will be consistent, I will equip the Polish Army with a large amount of military equipment, because this is a condition for deterrence
Polija ir precizējusi, ka "tā turpina stāvēt aiz Ukrainas", saka Baltā nama nacionālās drošības padomnieks Džeiks Salivans.
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Premjerministrs @MorawieckiM @PolsatNewsPL: Ukraina aizstāvas pret nežēlīgo Krievijas uzbrukumu, un es saprotu šo situāciju, bet, kā jau teicu, mēs aizsargāsim savu valsti. Mēs vairs nenododam ieročus Ukrainai, jo mēs tagad apbruņojam Poliju
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Polijas Ārlietu ministrija izsaukusi Ukrainas vēstnieku Vasilu Zvariču sakarā ar Volodimira Zelenska paziņojumu par graudu embargo
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 6 km W of Rudna, Poland
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It's propaganda
Tiekoties ar Putinu Sočos, Lukašenka apgalvoja, ka poļu vienības ir izveidotas un ir gatavas iekļūt Ukrainā
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Minister @mblaszczak: young people who join the Polish Army today are guided primarily by patriotism. Of course, we created appropriate conditions of service and good remuneration. Anyone who is ambitious and hard-working can achieve a lot in the Polish Army
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Minister @mblaszczak: We have voluntary compulsory military service and @territorialsi, i.e. the type of service that allows you to combine professional work with service. We also have a wide offer for high school students. As of September this year, 28,000 students started studying in uniformed classes
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486 HIMARS launchers for the Polish army. Head of the Ministry of National Defense: we are restoring rocket artillery
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Krievijas ārējās izlūkošanas priekšnieks Nariškins: Krievijai draud Polija un Baltijas valstis
Polish Border Guard: On October 10, 2009, 5 foreigners tried to cross illegally, they approached the barrier, and when they saw the patrols, they turned back. The events took place in the following sections: PSGMielnik, 3 foreigners. PSGDubiczeCerkiewne 2 foreigners. This month there were 340 attempts, this year - 21 thousand1 gads atpakaļ
Polish Border Guard: On October 10, 2009, 5 foreigners tried to cross illegally, they approached the barrier, and when they saw the patrols, they turned back. The events took place in the following sections: PSGMielnik, 3 foreigners. PSGDubiczeCerkiewne 2 foreigners. This month there were 340 attempts, this year - 21 thousand
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Polijas premjerministrs: mēs neatvērsim savus tirgus Ukrainas graudiem neatkarīgi no Eiropas Savienības lēmuma
FSB izraidīja Ukrainas pilsoni no Kaļiņigradas apgabala, apsūdzēja viņu spiegošanā Polijas vārdā