8 Iulie 2024
Ministrul @mblaszczak: Vorbim astăzi în Pentagon despre livrările ulterioare de rachete HIMARS și despre mai multe escadroane de avioane de luptă multifuncționale. În curând vom vorbi despre elicoptere de atac, avioane fără pilot, care este tot ceea ce este necesar pentru a consolida sistemul de apărare al Poloniei.
În Rusia, buldozerele au amenințat că vor demola monumentul din Smolensk la masacrul de la Katyn, una dintre cele mai grave atrocități comise de Uniunea Sovietică, decapitarea elitei militare, politice și culturale a Poloniei prin uciderea a 20.000 de oameni în 1940.
Președinții Poloniei, Lituaniei, Letoniei și Estoniei au sosit la Kyiv. Se vor întâlni cu președintele ucrainean @ZelenskyyUa2 an înapoi
Președinții Poloniei, Lituaniei, Letoniei și Estoniei au sosit la Kyiv. Se vor întâlni cu președintele ucrainean @ZelenskyyUa
Președintele Estoniei: În drum spre Kyiv, către un oraș care a suferit teribil din cauza războiului rusesc de la ultima mea vizită. Împreună cu președinții @AndrzejDuda, @GitanasNauseda2 an înapoi
Președintele Estoniei: În drum spre Kyiv, către un oraș care a suferit teribil din cauza războiului rusesc de la ultima mea vizită. Împreună cu președinții @AndrzejDuda, @GitanasNauseda
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Președinții Poloniei, Lituaniei, Letoniei și Estoniei se îndreaptă la Kyiv pentru a se întâlni cu președintele @ZelenskyyUa. Liderii polonezi și lituanieni au fost ultimii președinți care au vizitat Ucraina cu doar câteva ore înainte de începerea invaziei ruse.
Russian spy arrested by Polish Military Police
The presidents of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will meet on April 12 in Rzeszów at an extraordinary summit to demonstrate solidarity with Ukraine, said Jakub Kumoch, the head of the President's International Policy Bureau
Global pledging event raises 10.1 bn euros for Ukraine: von der Leyen
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Russia expels 45 Polish diplomats
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 6 km SE of Polkowice, Poland
PGNiG: Iwona Waksmundzka-Olejniczak becomes the new president of the company
PiS on Thursday submitted to the Sejm a bill to amend the constitution regarding the possibility of the State Treasury seizing property that has connection to Russian aggression
Poland and the UK „agreed to step up" urgent military aid to Ukraine „We will work together to facilitate the delivery of lethal and non–lethal aid to Ukraine. We will work to ensure that the Russian war machine cannot benefit from trade in sectors like energy", - presidents Duda & PM Johnson
The UK and Poland today announce the beginning of a new era in their relationship, with a commitment to creating ever deeper ties between our peoples and to revolutionise our cooperation on defence and security
Two Belarusian citizens have heard accusations of espionage for the country's intelligence services, a spokesman for the District Prosecutor's Office in Poznań informed PAP on Wednesday. Their arrest took place on Monday; the suspects were arrested
US is training Ukrainians outside of Ukraine including here in the US, per @SecDef and Gen. Milley. No training inside Ukraine or Poland, they say
UK Foreign Secretary @trussliz in Warsaw: Poland has always been clear eyed about Russia. You have understood Putin's malign intent. You were right. we agree the only way to end this war is for Putin to lose in Ukraine, we agree to step up our sanctions
Poland's FM @RauZbigniew after a meeting with UK FM @trussliz: Russia has completely lost all credibility. A country that commits war crimes should be isolated on the international area, punished an held accountable. We are in favor of severe sanctions against Russia
Polish Ministry of National Defense: Contract for the supply of Abrams signed. 250 tanks will significantly strengthen the potential of the Polish armed forces. The purchase of Abrams is one of the key elements of the modernization and expansion of WojskoPolskie. This year, Polish soldiers will also receive the first Patriot batteries and Bayraktar drones
Germany is the main roadblock to imposing tougher sanctions on Russia, Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said
Poland's PM @MorawieckiM names Putin's government as "fascist", and asks French President Macron "what have you achieved?" by calling Putin. "Today Russia is a totalitarian-fascist state" says PM. Poland proposes an international committee to investigate the "genocide"
Polish PM: "The Bucha massacre is more than an alarm bell for Europe and more weapons must be provided to Ukraine"
Poland's president @andrzejduda in Vatican asked about the possibility of „the honorable exit for Putin: there is no honor for peopole without honor2 an înapoi
Poland's president @andrzejduda in Vatican asked about the possibility of „the honorable exit for Putin": there is no honor for peopole without honor
VATICAN/ Poland's president @andrzejduda says he „as always invited Pope Francis to visit Poland but gave no further details. He also said that in Poland the Holy Father could meet the two nations - Poles and Ukrainians2 an înapoi
VATICAN/ Poland's president @andrzejduda says he „as always" invited Pope Francis to visit Poland but gave no further details. He also said that in Poland the Holy Father could meet the two nations - Poles and Ukrainians
Ukraine FM Dmytro Kuleba: Met with Polish Minister of Defense @mblaszczak in Warsaw. We discussed latest frontline developments as Ukraine keeps fighting back Russian invaders. Grateful to Poland for standing by Ukraine resolutely
US Air Force B-52H orbiting south of Kaliningrad and west of Belarus in a show of force towards Russia2 an înapoi
US Air Force B-52H orbiting south of Kaliningrad and west of Belarus in a show of force towards Russia
Polish Deputy Prime Minister: Russia is preparing to launch a new attack in Ukraine, and all indications are that we are facing a long war
@USACEHQ And @ArmyCorpsNAD senior leaders checked out progress on Army Prepositioned Stock facilities being constructed in Powidz, Poland to rapidly deploy forces if needed to reassure allies and deter aggression
The Polish clothing company LPP has closed all stores in Russia. The company manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay
Muller: The government submitted a bill to the Sejm, which envisages, inter alia, blockade of coal imports from Russia. We are talking about asset freezing, a change to the constitution is necessary to confiscate property