7 Березень 2025
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Gazprom summoned @GK_PGNiG to the Arbitration Tribunal in Stockholm. Gazprom demands a retroactive increase in the prices of the Yamal contract (8/12/2017) as part of its renegotiation proposals
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Міністерство національної оборони: Публікація даних не становить загрози державній безпеці чи функціонуванню Збройних сил Польщі. Після перевірки послуг повідомляємо, що каталог, опублікований в Інтернеті, є частиною Єдиного індексу матеріалів, який веде Інспекція підтримки, тобто підрозділ, відповідальний за закупівлі у Війську Польському.
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Заява Міноборони щодо статті Onet.pl "Гігантський витік даних з армії": Справу детально розбирають служби. Уточнюється, чи стався витік інформації та чи дійсно оголошений файл був виготовлений Збройними Силами Польщі.
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Зламано не лише українські сервери. У Польщі виведено в режим онлайн 1,8 мільйона точок даних військової техніки, одиниць. Це стан польських F-16 або розташування поодиноких солдатів. Повідомляє @OnetWiadomosci. Це велике. Тепер вимагає, щоб міністр оборони пішов у відставку
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Міністр закордонних справ Польщі під час зустрічі ОБСЄ: Ми стикаємося з ескалацією та військовим нарощуванням у Східній Європі
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Міністр закордонних справ Польщі: Небезпека війни в Європі є найбільшою за останні 30 років
First meeting of the @OSCE Permanent Council in 2022. @RauZbigniew as the new Chair-in-Office PolandPoland, is presenting Poland's priorities for the year ahead3 рік тому
First meeting of the @OSCE Permanent Council in 2022. @RauZbigniew as the new Chair-in-Office PolandPoland, is presenting Poland's priorities for the year ahead
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Saudi Aramco's deal to supply almost half of Poland's oil will give the company a stronger foothold in a region that Russian producers have long dominated
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Saudi @Aramco announces investments in Poland. Aramco has agreed to acquire equity stakes of 30pc in a 210k barrels in 24 hours refinery in Gdansk; 100pc in an associated wholesale business; and 50pc in a jet fuel marketing joint venture with BP
Ministry of National Defense: Minister @mblaszczak: Croatian troops serve together with the Polish Army, guarding the security of NATO's eastern flank. We also cooperate within the European Union. Our cooperation in the field of military exercises is also developing dynamically. Together we are stronger3 рік тому
Ministry of National Defense: Minister @mblaszczak: Croatian troops serve together with the Polish Army, guarding the security of NATO's eastern flank. We also cooperate within the European Union. Our cooperation in the field of military exercises is also developing dynamically. Together we are stronger
The meeting of the minister @mblaszczak Poland with Mario Banožić, Minister of Defence of Croatia has started. The ministers will discuss the issues of  military cooperation within NATO and the EU and  security situation in the region3 рік тому
The meeting of the minister @mblaszczak Poland with Mario Banožić, Minister of Defence of Croatia has started. The ministers will discuss the issues of military cooperation within NATO and the EU and security situation in the region
Polish Ministry of National Defense: During the recent attempts to illegally cross the border, the Polish Army was attacked not only with stones, but also with firecrackers. Attempts to forcibly forcing the border were carried out under the supervision of the Belarusian services3 рік тому
Polish Ministry of National Defense: During the recent attempts to illegally cross the border, the Polish Army was attacked not only with stones, but also with firecrackers. Attempts to forcibly forcing the border were carried out under the supervision of the Belarusian services
#Warsaw will strive to maintain and strengthen the presence of #NATO and #US troops in Central and Eastern Europe, a deputy foreign minister has said
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Польські прикордонники: Вчора 49 осіб намагалися нелегально перетнути кордон між Білоруссю та Польщею. Сьогодні на ділянці, яка охороняється ПСЖ Мельник, група з кількох іноземців здійснила насильницький напад на кордоні. Білоруські служби також кидали каміння та колоди в бік польських патрулів
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Polish Border Guard: On 07/01, 36 people tried to cross the border between Belarus and Poland illegally. This month there were 180 attempts to illegally cross the border. Also yesterday, 80 Belarusian citizens who are oppositionists or were repressed entered Poland, who will receive help on the territory of the Republic of Poland
A dead man was found on the road in Bornice3 рік тому
A dead man was found on the road in Bornice
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Білорусь висилає співробітника генконсульства Польщі в Бресті
Американські літаки F-16 приземлилися в Ласку, Польща, 4 січня для роботи з польськими F-16 F-16 Baltic Air Policing в Шяуляї, Литва, і вдосконаленими бельгійськими F-16 F-16 в Амарі, Естонія.
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Часового повіреного у справах Польщі викликали до МЗС Білорусі через нібито сприяння польських дипломатів приховати поляка від слідства
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Збігнєв Рау: Як голова @ОБСЄ, я уважно стежу за останніми подіями в Казахстані. Насильство ніколи не є правильною відповіддю на вирішення поточних проблем. Я закликаю до деескалації ситуації та розпочати діалог з повною повагою до зобов'язань @ОБСЄ
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The President of Poland and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria were infected with the Coronavirus
Signatures under 3 construction contracts between Poland and Belarus. It is the largest investment of the Border Guard in the history. In the last 24 hours, there were attempts to cross the border illegally3 рік тому
Signatures under 3 construction contracts between Poland and Belarus. It is the largest investment of the Border Guard in the history. In the last 24 hours, there were attempts to cross the border illegally
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On the phone with @RauZbigniew, FM @ABaerbock promised full support for the Polish OSCE Chairmanship. Ahead of her upcoming trip to the U.S., both ministers discussed the situation on the Russia-Ukraine border. They promised to further strengthen & deepen their close cooperation
USAF Rivet Joint heading back after a morning of surveillance of Kaliningrad3 рік тому
USAF Rivet Joint heading back after a morning of surveillance of Kaliningrad
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Polish Border Guards: Yesterday, Belarus - Poland tried to illegally exceed 20 people. This morning, in sections of PSGCzeremcha and PSGDubiczeC Church groups of foreigners (5 and 10 people) threw stones at Polish patrols, Belarusian services blinded SG officers and soldiers of the Polish Army with lasers and flashlights
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Poland PM @MorawieckiM for @EURACTIV: EU's dependence on imports of energy resources from a single, dominant supplier, is contrary to the interests of the EU
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Polish Border Guards: no attempts yesterday to cross Belarus-Poland border illegally. In the sections protected by the SG post in Narewka and Czeremsza, groups of up to 30 people approached the border line, but at the sight of Polish patrols withdrew
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The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland Zbigniew Rau and the US secretary of state Antony Blinken stressed the need for coordinated actions supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, confirming that any Russian aggression against Ukraine will face serious consequences for Russia
In a call today with his Polish counterparts, NSA Jake Sullivan discussed Russia's military buildup near Ukraine and reiterated U.S. support for NATO's Article 5 and underscored the United States' readiness to support our Eastern Flank Allies as they defend their countries3 рік тому
In a call today with his Polish counterparts, NSA Jake Sullivan discussed Russia's military buildup near Ukraine and "reiterated U.S. support for NATO's Article 5 and underscored the United States' readiness to support our Eastern Flank Allies as they defend their countries
President Duda vetoes Lex TVN, claiming that he finds it incompatible with the international obligations of Poland. There is no way for the ruling coalition to overturn this veto in Sejm3 рік тому
President Duda vetoes Lex TVN, claiming that he finds it incompatible with the international obligations of Poland. There is no way for the ruling coalition to overturn this veto in Sejm