2 七一 2024
5 月 前
在访问波兰期间,美国参谋长联席会议主席 @thejointstaff Charles Q. Brown Jr. @GenCQBrownJr 与波兰国防部副部长 @MON_GOV_PL Paweł Zalewski @ZalewskiPawel 进行了成功会面,讨论了当前的共同努力维护波兰和整个北约东翼的安全,特别是在俄罗斯侵略乌克兰的背景下
A court order has been issued for Mariusz Kamiński to be forcibly fed due to his health condition - said President Andrzej Duda, citing information from Kamiński's wife
Thousands of PiS supporters shout "Republika", "Sienkiewicz to prison" and "Tusk, you idiot, you will be overthrown by hooligans".
A demonstration organized by PiS is taking place at Wiejska Street. The street is full. PiS satisfied with the turnout. People were gathering in front of the Sejm long before the demonstration began.
Mateusz Morawiecki: I appeal to the democratic community of the Western world not to passively look at what is happening in Poland today
.@KPRM_CIR: Prime Minister @donaldtusk dismissed the directors of the De Republica Institute, the Generation Institute and the War Loss Institute and the president of the Social Insurance Institution
President Andrzej Duda will write to the heads of state and heads of international institutions informing that "we are dealing with violations of Polish law and the Constitution by the executive power," said the head of the president's office.
6 月 前
作战司令部通报称,在俄罗斯为了波兰领空安全而对乌克兰进行导弹袭击期间,波兰和美国两对 F-16 战斗机起飞
Two Polish citizens, allegedly photographing a Greek military facility near the city of Salamis, were arrested
Head of the Ministry of National Defense: Polish airspace was violated in the morning by an object detected by our systems. I want to assure you of good coordination and cooperation; Both Polish and allied systems worked
总统@AndrzejDuda 就侵犯波兰领空一事与总理@donaldtusk 进行了磋商。稍后,副总理、国防部长 @KosiniakKamysz 将在国家安全局举行会议,波兰武装部队指挥官也将参加会议
一开始很害怕,电话响了,——果园老板说有一个黑色的物体,1-2m长,飞得很低,比飞机还低。我们没有关于它掉落在这里的信息。我正在与这些服务机构联系 - 卢布林省 Komarów-Osada 公社的市长对 @OnetWiadomosci 说道
在。 12:00,唐纳德·图斯克总理将向总参谋长、ORSZ 指挥官通报有关违规行为的信息,国防部长和国家安全部门负责人也将出席波兰共和国领空——根据总理府的说法。
6 月 前
Tomaszów 副局长:我从谈话中得知,人们听到了一种特有的口哨声。目前,我们知道没有人受伤,没有人受伤。物体掉落在农田上
6 月 前
PiS MPs have left the building of the Polish Press Agency and are ending their duties there as part of parliamentary interventions.
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden6 月 前
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden
6 月 前
卡车通行已恢复:波兰农民完成了对 Medykaa - Sheghini 过境点的封锁
President Andrzej Duda: political goals cannot be an excuse for violating constitutional principles and the law. Therefore, in connection with today's actions of the Minister of Culture regarding public media, I call on the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers to respect the Polish legal order
Jarosław Kaczyński expressed hope that President Andrzej Duda, who is currently inactive, will change his mind and intervene