2 七一 2024
.@pzydzpl @AndrzejDuda:正如所强调的那样,北约的核保护伞覆盖了联盟的所有国家。如果俄罗斯以任何方式对北约国家使用核武器,北约国家将做出相应反应
We do not agree to illegal immigration, we do not agree to imposing penalties on us for not accepting migrants, @GiorgiaMeloni understands this too - emphasizes Prime Minister @MorawieckiM after talks with the head of the Italian government
1 年 前
波兰将在白俄罗斯边境增派 500 名警察 - 内政部长@Kaminski_M_。他们将加入5000名边防人员和2000名军队
Minister @mblaszczak: This is a historic day for the Polish army. Poland has received the first of hundreds of Abrams tanks
Poland MOD confirmed that CAMM family of missiles are planned to be manufactured in country
1 年 前
1 年 前
A group of foreigners supported by border guards attacked the @Straz_Graniczna patrol with stones near Białowieża. None of the officers were injured. The migrants, including a masked man, fled into the forest
The Polish authorities have adopted a decision to close the movement of trucks with Russian and Belarusian numbers across its border from June 1
1 年 前
Polish Border Guards: As a result of the Saturday (20.05) attack of foreigners on a Border Guard patrol, the front window of a company car was damaged. Foreigners react with aggression to patrols standing in their way to the west of Europe. Among the attackers were also masked men
俄罗斯大使谢尔盖·安德烈耶夫 (Sergey Andreev) 因黑海事件被传唤到波兰外交部,当时一架俄罗斯 Su-35 战斗机危险地拦截了波兰边防局的一架飞机
波兰国家安全局局长:亲爱的用户,我确定了,你是100%正确的。从昨天开始,官方语言是 OOBWÓD KRÓLEWIECKI。 "对于本市所在的行政单位,建议使用Krolewiec Oblast的波兰语名称,不建议使用波兰语的Kaliningrad Oblast名称。委员会宣布,该变更自公告之日起生效,即 2023 年 5 月 9 日。"
在欧盟农业部长举行了一整天的会议后,欧盟农业专员 Wojciechowski 表示,为了解决 5 个国家对乌克兰产品的进口禁令,谈判桌上已经有了妥协
总理@MorawieckiM 在与@VP @KamalaHarris 的简报会上:一些被俄罗斯熊背叛的欧洲政客正在寻求与其他人达成协议。但这是划分西方的方式
Polish Minister of Defense confirmed that American F-22 jets now not landed in Poland. Reinforcement for NATO's eastern flank
Polish PM @morawieckim slams IOC recommendations on the return to international competitions for Russian and Belarusian athletes as neutrals. "Scandal and betrayal of the true spirit of sport" - tweeted PolandPoland PM who also ordered minister of sport to pass Poland firm objection to the IOC
波兰志愿者因在巴赫穆特附近受伤而死亡。尼希米倡议组织 3 月 27 日写道,一名波兰志愿者 Marek Mastalerz 在 Bakhmut 附近伤重不治
副总理@mblaszczak,@MON_GOV_PL 负责人:今天我们正在见证美国驻军在波兰土地上的永久驻军就职典礼。这是波兰和波美关系史上的重要事件。我们非常感谢美国军队永久驻扎在我们国家
.@Kaminski_M_,@MSWiA_GOV_PL:最近几天,内部安全局拘留了 9 名涉嫌与俄罗斯特种部队合作的人。嫌疑人对波兰进行了情报活动,并准备了一项受俄罗斯情报部门委托的转移行动
.@pzydzpl:MIG-29 飞机在保卫波兰方面仍然活跃。我们现在真的要把它们运到乌克兰,我们有一打。首先,我们移交了四架完全可用的飞机。它们将被 FA-50 和 F-35 机器取代
The official visit of the President of the Czech Republic @prezidentpavel begins. Poland is the second country, after Slovakia, to be visited by the newly elected president. This is a sign that Polish-Czech relations are very good and both sides want their continuation
EU officials: a Polish medical team has been granted access to Saakashvili. No date yet when they will travel to Georgia. and this is NOT about a transfer of the former President to Poland or elsewhere