5 十一 2024
波兰国防部长 Mariusz Błaszczak:28 辆艾布拉姆斯坦克中的第一辆抵达陆军训练中心。不久,钢铁师的士兵将开始训练。今年我们仍在等待 Patriot 和 Bayraktar 系统——在乌克兰战争中证明非常好的冲击无人机2 年 前
波兰国防部长 Mariusz Błaszczak:28 辆艾布拉姆斯坦克中的第一辆抵达陆军训练中心。不久,钢铁师的士兵将开始训练。今年我们仍在等待 Patriot 和 Bayraktar 系统——在乌克兰战争中证明非常好的冲击无人机
What is happening today between Poles and Ukrainians is the best proof that it is not about revenge. History shows that each revenge has produced another revenge, and this is the last thing we need each other today. - Prezydent @AndrzejDuda in Warsaw.2 年 前
What is happening today between Poles and Ukrainians is the best proof that it is not about revenge. History shows that each revenge has produced another revenge, and this is the last thing we need each other today. - Prezydent @AndrzejDuda in Warsaw.
Poland PM's @MorawieckiM speech at the 77th anniv of the Augustów Roundup, where at least 600+ Poles were killed by the NKVD: We'll never allow a Russian soldier to step on Poland soil again. We'll never let that happen, unless one of them wants to kneel under one of those crosses2 年 前
Poland PM's @MorawieckiM speech at the 77th anniv of the Augustów Roundup, where at least 600+ Poles were killed by the NKVD: We'll never allow a Russian soldier to step on Poland soil again. We'll never let that happen, unless one of them wants to kneel under one of those crosses
波兰和立陶宛总统@andrzejduda @GitanasNauseda 连同他们的国防部长开始访问SuwalkiGap,这是一条100公里长的波兰-立陶宛边境,挤在俄罗斯加里宁格勒和白俄罗斯之间2 年 前
波兰和立陶宛总统@andrzejduda @GitanasNauseda 连同他们的国防部长开始访问SuwalkiGap,这是一条100公里长的波兰-立陶宛边境,挤在俄罗斯加里宁格勒和白俄罗斯之间
2 年 前
Tomorrow the presidents of Poland & Lithuania @andrzejduda @GitanasNauseda will meet the military units located on the SuwalkiGap
2x USMC F18 在波兰上空的追踪2 年 前
2x USMC F18 在波兰上空的追踪
President @AndrzejDuda in Madrid: NATOSummit is already a success - NATO showed unity & solidarity towards the Eastern flank of NATO and those supporting Ukraine the most. Our security has been strengthened through the permanent HQ of @VCorps in Poznan
Polish President: The permanent presence of the US Army in our country increases our security a lot
President Duda: NATO's unity regarding the membership of Finland and Sweden was preserved; is a historic event. It is a fundamental decision for Poland
.@Potus 宣布美国在欧洲的新军事部署: 1. 在波兰为美国第 5 军团建立永久总部 2. 在罗马尼亚部署额外的轮换旅 3. 在英国部署额外的 2 个 F-35 中队 4. "加强"轮换部署在波罗的海
2 年 前
At least one person died in a collision of a bus with a truck in Ząbki near Warsaw. A rescue operation is in progress
波兰呼吁在 Suwałki Gap 附近增派北约部队:副 FM
@andrzejduda 总统:对俄罗斯的制裁应该一直持续到乌克兰表示可以解除
总统@andrzejduda 向波兰大使发表讲话:"我们今天不能害怕,因为我们的对手希望我们害怕并撤出" 总统还赞扬了在俄罗斯入侵期间没有离开基辅的驻乌克兰大使@B_Cichocki
Today President @AndrzejDuda visited the Polish Military Contingent contributing to NATO eFP battle group @eFPBGLatvia in Ādaži. The visit demonstrates Poland's commitment to support Allies and defend NATO's territory.
爱沙尼亚人、拉脱维亚人、立陶宛人、白俄罗斯人、波兰人、乌克兰人——我们在欧洲这个地区有 500 多年与俄罗斯作战的传统。我们还在这里。波兰总统@AndrzejDuda 结束了 3SI 商务论坛的第一天2 年 前
"爱沙尼亚人、拉脱维亚人、立陶宛人、白俄罗斯人、波兰人、乌克兰人——我们在欧洲这个地区有 500 多年与俄罗斯作战的传统。我们还在这里。"波兰总统@AndrzejDuda 结束了 3SI 商务论坛的第一天
2 年 前
It's propaganda
法国总统@EmmanuelMacron 抵达波兰和乌克兰边境2 年 前
法国总统@EmmanuelMacron 抵达波兰和乌克兰边境
泽伦斯基总统:与@AndrzejDuda 就乌克兰和波兰的防务合作进行了电话交谈。我感谢他为巩固国际社会对乌克兰欧盟候选国地位的支持所做的努力