2 月 前 拉多斯瓦夫·西科尔斯基在与乌克兰外交部长举行的联席会议上表示:"乌克兰确认在其领土上开展搜索和挖掘工作没有任何障碍,并宣布愿意积极考虑这些事项的申请。"
2 月 前 Karol Nawrocki, who's been running the Institute of National Remembrance since mid-2021, will be running for president of Poland in the 2025 election
2 月 前 波兰农民在波兰和乌克兰边境抗议
白俄罗斯克格勃指控波兰武装部队 GROM 军事单位为破坏组织做准备
3 月 前 我们决定关闭俄罗斯驻波兹南领事馆" – @MSZ_RP 负责人 @sikorskiradek 表示
Prime Minister Tusk: We will not respect or implement any European ideas if we are sure that they threaten our security
Prime Minister Tusk: one of the elements of the migration strategy will be the temporary, territorial suspension of the right to asylum; I will demand recognition in Europe for this decision.
Prime Minister Tusk: On October 15, I will present a migration strategy at a government meeting; it will be called "Regaining Control, Ensuring Security".
Nysa Reservoir discharge structure at 7:50 a.m.nysa
Quick report from the center of Wrocław. Wrocław nysa
Local residents and services are trying to save the damaged embankment at night in Nysa
Local residents and services are trying to save the damaged embankment at night in Nysa
Helicopters were called into action in Nysa. Residents who had been working hard and in solidarity on the fortifications were asked to withdraw to a safe zone beyond the bridge
The Topola reservoir near the town of Paczków has collapsed. Water is flowing uncontrollably. The surrounding areas have been evacuated
Kłodzko County during the flood wave
PLN 10,000 of non-refundable aid, paid immediately.nPrime Minister @donaldtusk announced today an increase in aid for people affected by the flood
Prime Minister @donaldtusk announced the introduction of a state of natural disaster
4 月 前 Metrics show a significant decline in internet connectivity in southwest regions of Poland including the historic town of Klodzko as deadly Storm Boris wreaks havoc in Central Europe; the losses in service are attributed to power cuts amid heavy flooding
4 月 前 总理@DonaldTusk 和美国国务卿@SecBlinken 正在 KPRM 举行会晤
美国国务院就布林肯访问英国、乌克兰和波兰发表声明:"国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯将于 9 月 9 日至 10 日访问英国,开启美英战略对话,重申我们的特殊关系。在伦敦期间,布林肯国务卿还将与高级政府官员会面,讨论一系列关键问题,包括印度太平洋、AUKUS 伙伴关系、中东以及我们为支持乌克兰而做出的共同努力。9 月 11 日,布林肯国务卿将与英国外交大臣戴维·拉米一起访问乌克兰,与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基和乌克兰高级政府官员会面,讨论继续支持乌克兰抵御俄罗斯侵略以及如何确保乌克兰在军事、经济和民主方面长期繁荣发展。9 月 12 日,布林肯国务卿将访问波兰,与波兰高级政府官员会面,讨论一系列重要的双边问题,包括深化我们的国防和能源合作,以及我们作为北约盟国致力于支持乌克兰的防御。"
武装部队作战指挥部发言人、中校雅采克·戈里舍夫斯基 (Jacek Goryszewski) 表示,来自赫乌姆和卢布林的 70 多名国土防御部队士兵正在参与搜索行动。"目前,搜索范围仅限于 Tyszowce 镇,位于 Tyszowce 镇的西北部。搜索工作也在使用直升机进行空中搜索,"他指出。当被问及所寻找的空中物体的类型时,他表示,飞行轨迹、速度和飞行高度"让我们相信,假设它是一架无人驾驶飞行器,例如俄罗斯用来攻击乌克兰的 Shahed 型无人机。"
我们可能正在处理进入波兰领土的物体。至少三个电台通过无线电定位确认了这一点 - 波兰武装部队作战指挥官 Maciej Klisz 少将说。事件发生在 6:43。 - 该物体可能进入了波兰空间,在波兰领土上飞行了大约 25 公里(编者注:飞行距离)后消失 - 他补充道
5 月 前 波兰记者莫妮卡·安德鲁斯泽夫斯卡在顿巴斯的克拉马托尔斯克被伊斯坎德尔导弹击中。导弹击中了路透社记者曾经住过的酒店
波兰总统安杰伊·杜达抵达基辅进行访问。杜达将参加乌克兰独立 33 周年庆祝活动
5 月 前 莫迪总理抵达波兰,受到@PLinIndia CdA @SebastianD_PL 等高级官员的欢迎