6 Srpanj 2024
Thousands of PiS supporters shout "Republika", "Sienkiewicz to prison" and "Tusk, you idiot, you will be overthrown by hooligans".
A demonstration organized by PiS is taking place at Wiejska Street. The street is full. PiS satisfied with the turnout. People were gathering in front of the Sejm long before the demonstration began.
Mateusz Morawiecki: I appeal to the democratic community of the Western world not to passively look at what is happening in Poland today
.@KPRM_CIR: Prime Minister @donaldtusk dismissed the directors of the De Republica Institute, the Generation Institute and the War Loss Institute and the president of the Social Insurance Institution
President Andrzej Duda will write to the heads of state and heads of international institutions informing that "we are dealing with violations of Polish law and the Constitution by the executive power," said the head of the president's office.
5 mjesec pre
Predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski razgovarao je telefonom s predsjednikom Poljske Dudom
6 mjesec pre
Tijekom ruskih raketnih napada na Ukrajinu za sigurnost poljskog zračnog prostora, poletjela su dva para lovaca F-16 - poljski i američki, - izvijestilo je Operativno zapovjedništvo
6 mjesec pre
Two Polish citizens, allegedly photographing a Greek military facility near the city of Salamis, were arrested
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Poljske pozvalo je ruskog otpravnika poslova i traži objašnjenje za današnji incident s povredom poljskog zračnog prostora
Poljski predsjednik Duda razgovarao je u petak s glavnim tajnikom NATO-a Jensom Stoltenbergom, rekao je šef ureda predsjednika Marcin Mastalerek. Razgovor se ticao povrede poljskog zračnog prostora.
Načelnik Glavnog stožera Poljske: sve ukazuje da je ruska raketa ušla u poljski zračni prostor. Pratili smo je na radaru i kasnije je napustila naš zračni prostor. Imamo radarsku i savezničku potvrdu za to
Head of the Ministry of National Defense: Polish airspace was violated in the morning by an object detected by our systems. I want to assure you of good coordination and cooperation; Both Polish and allied systems worked
Predsjednik @AndrzejDuda održao je konzultacije s premijerom @donaldtuskom u vezi s povredom poljskog zračnog prostora. Za koji trenutak će se u Uredu za nacionalnu sigurnost održati sastanak sa zamjenikom premijera, šefom Ministarstva nacionalne obrane, @KosiniakKamysz, uz sudjelovanje zapovjednika Poljskih oružanih snaga
Najprije je bilo straha, zvonili su telefoni,- Vlasnik voćnjaka pričao je o crnom objektu, dugom 1-2 m, koji leti nisko, niže od aviona. Nemamo informacija o tome da je ispao ovdje. U kontaktu sam sa službama - kaže gradonačelnik općine Komarów-Osada u Lublinskom vojvodstvu za @OnetWiadomosci
Na. U 12:00 sati održat će se brifing premijera Donalda Tuska s načelnikom Glavnog stožera, zapovjednikom ORSZ-a, uz sudjelovanje ministra nacionalne obrane i čelnika službi nacionalne sigurnosti u vezi s informacijom o povredi zračnog prostora Republike Poljske - prema Uredu premijera.
6 mjesec pre
Zamjenik starešine Tomaszówa: Iz razgovora znam da su ljudi čuli karakterističan zvižduk. U ovom trenutku znamo da nitko nije ozlijeđen, nitko nije ozlijeđen. Predmet je pao na poljoprivredno zemljište
6 mjesec pre
Poljska kaže da je neidentificirani objekt ušao u njezin zračni prostor dolazeći iz Ukrajine
PiS MPs have left the building of the Polish Press Agency and are ending their duties there as part of parliamentary interventions.
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden6 mjesec pre
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden
6 mjesec pre
Obnovljen promet kamiona: Poljski poljoprivrednici prekinuli blokadu graničnog prijelaza Medykaa - Sheghini
President Andrzej Duda: political goals cannot be an excuse for violating constitutional principles and the law. Therefore, in connection with today's actions of the Minister of Culture regarding public media, I call on the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers to respect the Polish legal order
Jarosław Kaczyński expressed hope that President Andrzej Duda, who is currently inactive, will change his mind and intervene
6 mjesec pre
News at 3 p.m. was not broadcast on TVP1
Jarosław Kaczyński: the constitution in Poland does not work at the moment
6 mjesec pre
Law and Justice calls for protests in front of the headquarters of Telewizja Polska, today at 8 p.m
Poland's new pro-European government takes state TV channel, long accused of spreading propaganda, off the air
The Minister of Culture and National Heritage dismissed the presidents of the management boards of Telewizja Polska SA, Polskie Radio SA, Polish Press Agency SA and the Supervisory Board
CIA Director William Burns is meeting in Poland with Israel's Mossad chief and the Qatari prime minister in the latest effort to secure the release of dozens of hostages being held captive in Gaza, according to a U.S. official familiar with the talks
Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis6 mjesec pre
Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis
Poljski prosvjednici nastavili su blokadu ukrajinskih kamiona na graničnom prijelazu Dorohusk-Yahodyn