6 Srpanj 2024
6 mjesec pre
Obnovljen promet kamiona: Poljski poljoprivrednici prekinuli blokadu graničnog prijelaza Medykaa - Sheghini
President Andrzej Duda: political goals cannot be an excuse for violating constitutional principles and the law. Therefore, in connection with today's actions of the Minister of Culture regarding public media, I call on the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers to respect the Polish legal order
Jarosław Kaczyński expressed hope that President Andrzej Duda, who is currently inactive, will change his mind and intervene
6 mjesec pre
News at 3 p.m. was not broadcast on TVP1
Jarosław Kaczyński: the constitution in Poland does not work at the moment
6 mjesec pre
Law and Justice calls for protests in front of the headquarters of Telewizja Polska, today at 8 p.m
Poland's new pro-European government takes state TV channel, long accused of spreading propaganda, off the air
The Minister of Culture and National Heritage dismissed the presidents of the management boards of Telewizja Polska SA, Polskie Radio SA, Polish Press Agency SA and the Supervisory Board
CIA Director William Burns is meeting in Poland with Israel's Mossad chief and the Qatari prime minister in the latest effort to secure the release of dozens of hostages being held captive in Gaza, according to a U.S. official familiar with the talks
Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis6 mjesec pre
Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis
Poljski prosvjednici nastavili su blokadu ukrajinskih kamiona na graničnom prijelazu Dorohusk-Yahodyn
Law and Justice is merging with the Republican Party, announced Jarosław Kaczyński
Ministar vanjskih poslova Poljske @sikorskiradek danas je telefonski razgovarao sa svojim mađarskim kolegom Péterom Szijjártóom. Razgovor je bio usmjeren na ukrajinska pitanja, perspektive Višegradske skupine i probleme migracija
6 mjesec pre
Opsežnu operaciju ruskog utjecaja na TikTok koja uključuje 12.800 lažnih računa koji šire dezinformacije o ratu u Ukrajini milijunima korisnika u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Italiji, Poljskoj, Izraelu i Ukrajini, otkrili su BBC Verify i @DFRLab
6 mjesec pre
Šef KGB-a Bjelorusije rekao je da se sedam skupina u Poljskoj priprema za zauzimanje objekata i izvođenje terorističkih napada u zemlji - BELTA
Radosław Sikorski sworn in as Minister of Foreign Affairs
Donald Tusk prisegao je kao premijer
Chief rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich: “Since the original Maccabees over 2000 years ago until today with Hamas, our enemies have tried to extinguish us. Just as this evening, our enemies try to extinguish us but we relight the candles again and again”
Far-right Polish lawmaker uses fire extinguisher on Hanukkah candles in parliament
Tusk: 'Tražit ćemo punu mobilizaciju Zapada da pomogne Ukrajini. Ne mogu više slušati političare koji govore kako su umorni od situacije u Ukrajini. Napad na Ukrajinu je napad na sve nas'
Sejm je izabrao Donalda Tuska za novog premijera Poljske
PM @MorawieckiM loses confidence vote 190-266. Next step - MPs will elect the new PM - @donaldtusk is the candidate of the majority
6 mjesec pre
Shots in Tymbark. The injured man was taken to hospital
The Constitutional Court of Poland ruled that the EU regulations on the basis of which the CJEU imposed financial penalties on Poland are inconsistent with the Polish Constitution
We cannot agree that Polish independence will again be a historical incident. Therefore, it is necessary to arm ourselves, as well as an absolute "no" to the plans formed in the European Union - said the president of @pisorgpl, Jarosław Kaczyński
Prvi granični prijelaz između Poljske i Ukrajine otvoren je za kamione nakon novog sporazuma
Ukrajina i Poljska dogovorile su uvjete deblokade granice za kretanje kamiona
Ukrajinski vozači blokirali su ceste u Medyki i Przemyslu, tražeći da im se ukine blokada na granici s Ukrajinom
7 mjesec pre
Ukrajinski vozač kamiona preminuo je na granici dok prijelaze blokiraju poljski prosvjednici
7 mjesec pre
Ukrajina: Očekujemo razgovore s Poljskom i Bruxellesom oko prosvjeda na granici