6 Srpanj 2024
6 mjesec pre
Opsežnu operaciju ruskog utjecaja na TikTok koja uključuje 12.800 lažnih računa koji šire dezinformacije o ratu u Ukrajini milijunima korisnika u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Italiji, Poljskoj, Izraelu i Ukrajini, otkrili su BBC Verify i @DFRLab
6 mjesec pre
Šef KGB-a Bjelorusije rekao je da se sedam skupina u Poljskoj priprema za zauzimanje objekata i izvođenje terorističkih napada u zemlji - BELTA
Radosław Sikorski sworn in as Minister of Foreign Affairs
Donald Tusk prisegao je kao premijer
Chief rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich: “Since the original Maccabees over 2000 years ago until today with Hamas, our enemies have tried to extinguish us. Just as this evening, our enemies try to extinguish us but we relight the candles again and again”
Far-right Polish lawmaker uses fire extinguisher on Hanukkah candles in parliament
Tusk: 'Tražit ćemo punu mobilizaciju Zapada da pomogne Ukrajini. Ne mogu više slušati političare koji govore kako su umorni od situacije u Ukrajini. Napad na Ukrajinu je napad na sve nas'
Sejm je izabrao Donalda Tuska za novog premijera Poljske
PM @MorawieckiM loses confidence vote 190-266. Next step - MPs will elect the new PM - @donaldtusk is the candidate of the majority
6 mjesec pre
Shots in Tymbark. The injured man was taken to hospital
The Constitutional Court of Poland ruled that the EU regulations on the basis of which the CJEU imposed financial penalties on Poland are inconsistent with the Polish Constitution
We cannot agree that Polish independence will again be a historical incident. Therefore, it is necessary to arm ourselves, as well as an absolute "no" to the plans formed in the European Union - said the president of @pisorgpl, Jarosław Kaczyński
Prvi granični prijelaz između Poljske i Ukrajine otvoren je za kamione nakon novog sporazuma
Ukrajina i Poljska dogovorile su uvjete deblokade granice za kretanje kamiona
Ukrajinski vozači blokirali su ceste u Medyki i Przemyslu, tražeći da im se ukine blokada na granici s Ukrajinom
7 mjesec pre
Ukrajinski vozač kamiona preminuo je na granici dok prijelaze blokiraju poljski prosvjednici
7 mjesec pre
Ukrajina: Očekujemo razgovore s Poljskom i Bruxellesom oko prosvjeda na granici
Poljski prosvjednici koji blokiraju granicu ne dopuštaju humanitarnu pomoć i gorivo u Ukrajinu7 mjesec pre
Poljski prosvjednici koji blokiraju granicu ne dopuštaju humanitarnu pomoć i gorivo u Ukrajinu
7 mjesec pre
Granični prijelaz Shehyni-Medyka prestao je raditi jer nema struje na punktu Medyka
President @AndrzejDuda in his speech: After a calm analysis and consultations, I decided to entrust the mission of forming a government to Prime Minister @MorawieckiM. Therefore, I decided to continue the good parliamentary tradition, according to which the winning party is the first to be given the opportunity to form a government. As I announced during the election campaign and as it has always been the case since the adoption of the current Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Poljski prijevoznici blokirali su kretanje kamiona na tri kontrolne točke na granici s Ukrajinom
Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak announced on Friday the creation of the 8th Mechanized Division with headquarters in Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą
8 mjesec pre
Polish Border Guard: On November 1, 86 people tried to cross the border from Belarus illegally. citizens of Iran, Somalia, including 18 people At the sight of the patrols, 18 people turned back to PSG Białowieża after crossed the river illegally. At PSG Dubicze Cerkiewne patrols were thrown with stones
Ukrajina je inicirala sastanak s Poljskom i Europskom komisijom u vezi s prijetnjom zatvaranja granice. To je izvijestila tiskovna služba Ministarstva razvoja zajednice, teritorija i infrastrukture Ukrajine8 mjesec pre
Ukrajina je inicirala sastanak s Poljskom i Europskom komisijom u vezi s prijetnjom zatvaranja granice. To je izvijestila tiskovna služba Ministarstva razvoja zajednice, teritorija i infrastrukture Ukrajine
Biden govori kako Putin neće stati s Ukrajinom. Biden obećava da će braniti "svaki pedalj NATO-ovog" teritorija i "ne traži da se američke trupe bore u Rusiji"
Poland final election results: PiS 35,4% 198 seats; KO 30,7% 151; Third Way 14,4% 65; Left 8,6% 28; Confederation 7,2% 17; KO Third Way Left = 244 seats absolute majority
Poland, national parliament election results (39.29% counted): PiS-ECR: 39%; KO-EPP RE G/EFA: 27%; TD PL2050/PSL-RE EPP: 14%; NL-S&D: 8%; Kon~NI: 7%; BS- 2%; PJJ- 2% Wybory2023
Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk said that three opposition parties had enough votes to win the general election on Sunday after an exit poll said they had enough votes to oust the governing conservative nationalist Law and Justice party
Major police deployment in central Warsaw with reports that this man is claiming he has a bomb. Reasons unclear. Streets around are all blocked off
Market square in Sandomierz - a rally with the participation of @pisorgpl leaders, one of the last accents of the campaign. Election silence in just over 5 hours8 mjesec pre
Market square in Sandomierz - a rally with the participation of @pisorgpl leaders, one of the last accents of the campaign. Election silence in just over 5 hours