On February 11, 2025 at 2:09 p.m. in the eastern part of the Bay of Gdansk, there was a violation of airspace over the territorial waters of the Republic of Poland by a Su-24MR aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The aircraft, which flew from the Kaliningrad, violated Polish airspace to a maximum depth of 6.5 km and stayed there for 1 minute and 12 seconds.
2 週 前波兰国防部副部长切扎里·托姆奇克抵达基辅访问
Axios:美国从以色列向乌克兰运送数十枚爱国者导弹。美国空军最近几天将约 90 枚拦截导弹从以色列运往波兰,然后再运往乌克兰
3 週 前华沙举行集会谴责白俄罗斯虚假选举
Merz at Körber: "It is inconceivable that the PM of Israel cannot visit EU countries because of the ICC arrest warrant. A political way must be found to ensure that this does not happen
Sarajevo protest against Polish resolution allowing Netanyahu’s visit
乌克兰外交部就乌克兰境内波兰人遗骸挖掘事件发表讲话:我们相互尊重,共同对抗俄罗斯帝国主义。乌克兰-波兰关系中的每一项协议都对莫斯科造成打击。这是由@tochytskyi 和@WroblewskaHann 协调的工作组取得的重大成果。我们相信在相互尊重的基础上进一步执行协议
唐纳德·图斯克:终于取得突破。关于第一批波兰 UPA 受害者遗骸的挖掘已经做出决定。我感谢波兰和乌克兰文化部长的良好合作。我们正在等待进一步的决定
Farmers protest in Warsaw
2 月 前Orbán hints at granting political asylum to more Polish fugitives. He said it twice, the second time when he was asked about Daniel Obajtek: "He's an MEP, so it's not an issue. But in general it is true that we have to face up to the fact that there may still be cases like this."
The Hungarian ambassador received a protest note from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the decision to grant political asylum to M. Romanowski. He was also informed about the decision of Minister @sikorskiradek to summon the Polish Ambassador in Budapest for consultations in Poland,- @MSZ Spokesperson Paweł Wroński
Hungary grants Poland's former Deputy Justice Minister, Marcin Romanowski, political asylum
2 月 前泽连斯基称,周三可能会在布鲁塞尔提出在乌克兰部署外国军队的问题
总理@DonaldTusk 在利沃夫:我们与总统@ZelenskyyUa 就地缘政治局势、前线局势以及波兰与乌克兰关系进行了长时间、坦诚的交谈
The government's majority in parliament has voted for Zbigniew Ziobro, who served as justice minister in the former PiS government, to be detained and forcibly brought to testify before a committee investigating the use of Pegasus spyware under PiS
Leak from the Druzhba pipeline in Pniewy. Chemical group works on DK11
2 月 前拉多斯瓦夫·西科尔斯基在与乌克兰外交部长举行的联席会议上表示:"乌克兰确认在其领土上开展搜索和挖掘工作没有任何障碍,并宣布愿意积极考虑这些事项的申请。"
3 月 前Karol Nawrocki, who's been running the Institute of National Remembrance since mid-2021, will be running for president of Poland in the 2025 election
3 月 前波兰农民在波兰和乌克兰边境抗议
白俄罗斯克格勃指控波兰武装部队 GROM 军事单位为破坏组织做准备
4 月 前我们决定关闭俄罗斯驻波兹南领事馆" – @MSZ_RP 负责人 @sikorskiradek 表示
Prime Minister Tusk: We will not respect or implement any European ideas if we are sure that they threaten our security
Prime Minister Tusk: one of the elements of the migration strategy will be the temporary, territorial suspension of the right to asylum; I will demand recognition in Europe for this decision.
Prime Minister Tusk: On October 15, I will present a migration strategy at a government meeting; it will be called "Regaining Control, Ensuring Security".