18 Siječanj 2025
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Ukrajinsko MVP o ekshumaciji Poljaka u Ukrajini: Poštujemo jedni druge i zajedno se suprotstavljamo ruskom imperijalizmu. Svaki dogovor u odnosima UA i PL je udarac Moskvi. Sjajan rezultat radne skupine kojom su koordinirali @tochytskyi i @WroblewskaHann. Vjerujemo u daljnju provedbu dogovora uz međusobno uvažavanje
Donald Tusk: Konačno napredak. Postoji odluka o prvim ekshumacijama poljskih žrtava UPA. Zahvaljujem ministrima kulture Poljske i Ukrajine na dobroj suradnji. Čekamo daljnje odluke
Farmers protest in Warsaw
Orbán hints at granting political asylum to more Polish fugitives. He said it twice, the second time when he was asked about Daniel Obajtek: He's an MEP, so it's not an issue. But in general it is true that we have to face up to the fact that there may still be cases like this.3 tjedno pre
Orbán hints at granting political asylum to more Polish fugitives. He said it twice, the second time when he was asked about Daniel Obajtek: "He's an MEP, so it's not an issue. But in general it is true that we have to face up to the fact that there may still be cases like this."
The Hungarian ambassador received a protest note from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the decision to grant political asylum to M. Romanowski. He was also informed about the decision of Minister @sikorskiradek to summon the Polish Ambassador in Budapest for consultations in Poland,- @MSZ Spokesperson Paweł Wroński
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Hungary grants Poland's former Deputy Justice Minister, Marcin Romanowski, political asylum
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Putin: Domet IRBM Orešnik je do 5500 km, obrana od raketa u Poljskoj ne može je presresti
Zelenskyy je rekao da bi pitanje raspoređivanja stranih trupa u Ukrajini moglo biti postavljeno u Bruxellesu u srijedu1 mjesec pre
Zelenskyy je rekao da bi pitanje raspoređivanja stranih trupa u Ukrajini moglo biti postavljeno u Bruxellesu u srijedu
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Premijer @DonaldTusk u Lavovu: Imali smo dug i iskren razgovor s predsjednikom @ZelenskyyUa o geopolitičkoj situaciji, situaciji na fronti i poljsko-ukrajinskim odnosima
The government's majority in parliament has voted for Zbigniew Ziobro, who served as justice minister in the former PiS government, to be detained and forcibly brought to testify before a committee investigating the use of Pegasus spyware under PiS
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Leak from the Druzhba pipeline in Pniewy. Chemical group works on DK11
Radosław Sikorski na zajedničkoj konferenciji s čelnikom ukrajinskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova: "Ukrajina potvrđuje da nema prepreka za provođenje radova pretraživanja i ekshumacije na njezinom teritoriju i izjavljuje svoju spremnost da pozitivno razmotri zahtjeve u tim stvarima."
Karol Nawrocki, who's been running the Institute of National Remembrance since mid-2021, will be running for president of Poland in the 2025 election
Prosvjed poljskih farmera na granici između Poljske i Ukrajine
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KGB Bjelorusije optužio je vojnu jedinicu GROM poljskih oružanih snaga za pripremu diverzantskih skupina
Južna Koreja i Poljska složile su se pojačati zajednički odgovor na slanje trupa Sjeverne Koreje u Rusiju
Odlučili smo zatvoriti konzulat Ruske Federacije u Poznańu", rekao je voditelj @MSZ_RP @sikorskiradek
Prime Minister Tusk: We will not respect or implement any European ideas if we are sure that they threaten our security
Prime Minister Tusk: one of the elements of the migration strategy will be the temporary, territorial suspension of the right to asylum; I will demand recognition in Europe for this decision.
Prime Minister Tusk: On October 15, I will present a migration strategy at a government meeting; it will be called "Regaining Control, Ensuring Security".
Harris: Dopustimo li agresorima da nekažnjeno zauzmu teritorij, Putin bi se mogao usmjeriti na Poljsku i Baltik
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Nysa Reservoir discharge structure at 7:50 a.m.nysa
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Quick report from the center of Wrocław. Wrocław nysa
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Local residents and services are trying to save the damaged embankment at night in Nysa
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Local residents and services are trying to save the damaged embankment at night in Nysa
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Helicopters were called into action in Nysa. Residents who had been working hard and in solidarity on the fortifications were asked to withdraw to a safe zone beyond the bridge
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The Topola reservoir near the town of Paczków has collapsed. Water is flowing uncontrollably. The surrounding areas have been evacuated
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Kłodzko County during the flood wave
PLN 10,000 of non-refundable aid, paid immediately.nPrime Minister @donaldtusk announced today an increase in aid for people affected by the flood
Prime Minister @donaldtusk announced the introduction of a state of natural disaster